Expert Bee Removal in Tucson and Surrounding Areas
Desert Swarm Bee Removal, LLC is a locally owned and operated family business providing a number of professional bee removal, wasp removal, and consulting services to the Tucson metropolitan area. Chances are that if you are visiting our website that you have a bee problem and we are here to help.

Three Points, AZ
If you are looking for bee removal or wasp removal services in Three Points, then you have come to the right place! We are experts in the field of bee and wasp control services. All of the wild honey bees in Arizona are Africanized, and Africanized honey bees are known to be much more aggressive and more dangerous than their counterparts, the European honey bee. Living in the desert means that sometimes we get unwanted guests trying to move into our homes or living spaces. That’s when we come into the picture to help remove any unwanted or potentially dangerous bees or wasps from your home or property!
The owners of Desert Swarm Bee Removal reside near Three Points, AZ and proudly serve the area as a local business! Three Points is a rural area surrounded by desert and mountains; therefore, local residents and businesses will likely encounter bee activity on their property at some point. Wild colonies of Africanized honey bees are established in many of the rocky areas along washes and in the mountains surrounding the area. Unfortunately, when bees begin to swarm and leave their old hives, they sometimes take up residence where we don’t want them. Three Points customers often find bees in roofs, under homes, in sheds, barns, and debris piles. The most common types of services that Desert Swarm provides to Three Points include swarm removal, wasp removal, beehive removal and repair, bee-proofing jobs, and real estate inspections, especially during the peak season of bee activity (typically Mar-Aug).
As local residents, Desert Swarm provides a neighbor discount on bee removal services to Three Points customers! Just ask us about it when booking your appointment!
We are also local beekeepers in Three Points! Honey bee swarms that we can safely remove alive are transferred to our local hives. Each summer, we harvest the most delicious honey which is now available for sale at the One Stop Meat Market on Ajo Highway in Three Points. Our honey is a desert blend of mesquite, palo verde, and other Sonoran desert blooms. Perfect for local allergies! We employ organic beekeeping methods, meaning we do not apply any pesticides or chemicals to our hives, we do not over harvest their honey, nor do we feed our bees any synthetically created food. Pick up your jar of raw, local honey while supplies last!
To learn more about our bee or wasp removal services in the Three Points area, call us today! 520-310-0707